In source-driven development, the source is organized into artifacts based on group features or customizations that are delivered together. Salesforce DX incorporates the artifact-based approach to organizing the source.
There is the ability to shift the source of truth from the org to a version control system (VCS), along with the use of popular collaboration technologies including Git and other test-build automation tools.
A Salesforce DX project is a local directory structure of your metadata in source format. It lets you develop and test with Salesforce DX tooling.
Salesforce DX allows developers to use Git and source repositories when doing any sorts of development on Salesforce platform.
Scratch orgs are a central feature of Salesforce DX. The Scratch org is a source-driven and disposable deployment of Salesforce code and metadata.
Dev Hub allows you to create and manage scratch orgs. It is also essential create and manage second-generation packages, and use Einstein features.