Thursday, July 9, 2020

Configure New Relic

NewRelic is an APM (Application performance management) tool, it helps in monitoring the JVM, databases, transactions, external services, etc.

New Relic has an agent, which is a small piece of code that sits inside the web application and watches what the web page code is building while it’s building web pages.

 The agent measures how long the code takes to build the web page and reports it back to the user. It informs the user of the time taken for a page to load and specifies if any factors are delaying the process.

It displays the load time for users all across the globe accessing the web application and it follows it all the way down, right to the code.

So the user will be able to determine if the longer load time is caused by something in your server, code, network, or in the browser, etc.

Command: java -javaagent:newrelic\newrelic.jar -jar yourapplication.jar

Key features of New Relic include:

  • Key business transaction monitoring
  • External services performance monitoring
  • Availability and error monitoring
  • End-to-end user monitoring through browser support
  • Synthetic monitoring
  • Alerts and notifications
  • Native integration with third-party tools such as Slack and PagerDuty

A sample demo can be viewed from my youtube channel:



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